Home 2023 Kaukasus Geghard Monastery in Goght

Geghard Monastery in Goght

Armenia was the first country in the world that adopted Christianity as state religion. Armenian Apostolic Christianity is the predominant religion.
We see crosses, churches and still livable monasteries all over the country. With the historical backround of the conflict between religion it’s sometimes too much for us. But like the archeological sites in Greece, the monastery and churches are mostly placed on beautiful spots, so in totally they are special and astounding.

Parts of Geghard Monastery for example are carved in the rocks. The light makes it mysterious.

It’s located at the boarder of the nature reservoir Khorsov Forest that is closed for public in general to protect wildlife and it’s ecological system.

On the further road toward the south of Armenia we catch a glimpse on this huge Nature Reservoir and it’s a pity that we can’t get there.

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