Home 2022 Eastern Europe Kitesurfing with Kris and Nick in Artemida

Kitesurfing with Kris and Nick in Artemida

What a great week with the “boys”.
The whole week it was too windy to sail… but perfect wind to kitesurf.
We slept directly at the waterfront- we were very welcome to stay next to the windsurf club nissakia, using their facilities and filling up our watertank.

The wind starting at around 11 o’clock and we are leaving the water after the sunset. So great to be on the water with 4 of us…

Pita Gyros and playing cards in the evening.
Kris will be 20 years old next Sunday. We already baked a cake and celebrated a bit – it will be his first birthday where we are not around…… 😒

Nick left to Capetown/South Africa last night and Kris this morning back to the Netherlands.
Thankful for this quality time, sad that they left and curious about our following route.

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